Metis Fisher From Pinehouse Wins Court Case
Wednesday, June 15, 2005 at 17:31
A Pinehouse man has won his Metis fishing rights case against the provincial government — defending himself, no less.
Gary Smith was charged in 2003 with fishing over the limit after fishing at nearby Gordon Lake.
Smith could have pleaded guilty and paid a small fine, but felt there needed to be some clarity as to how Metis fishing rights as defined by the courts apply in his region.
A judge handed down a “not guilty” verdict in Pinehouse this morning.
A written ruling was not immediately available.
Saskatchewan Environment allows Metis in the North to fish out of season as long as they are considered a “subsistence” fisher.
The Supreme Court’s Powley decision of 2003 stated Metis have to prove a direct link to a historic Metis community in order to qualify for these rights.