Human-Caused Fires Still A Problem In The North
Tuesday, October 18, 2005 at 13:34
A recent assessment of fire activity in the North shows human-caused fires account for almost half the total number every year.
Government statistics from 1981 to 2001 show the Prince Albert/Crutwell district leads the way in man-made fire starts.
The area encompassing St. George’s Hill, Dillon and Michel Village has the next highest number.
Saskatchewan Environment spokesman Larry Fremont says St. George’s Hill recorded 463 man-made fires alone over those 20 years, with the other two villages close behind.
However, Fremont notes many of those fires were caused 15 years ago by a man who set them intentionally. Freemont says that problem hasn’t been an issue recently.
While arson does still occur in the North, Fremont says it makes up only a very small percentage of the actual fires caused by humans.
Fremont adds the third-most active area in the North for man-made fire activity over the last two decades includes La Loche and Black Point.
Patuanak and Pelican Narrows had the next-most human-caused fires during that period.
Fremont says in any given year, man-made fires make up 39 to 55 per cent of the total amount of fires in northern Saskatchewan.
He also says that number gets larger the farther south you go.