Metis Leaders Receive Assurances From Layton

Thursday, November 10, 2005 at 14:40



Officials with the Métis National Council say NDP leader Jack Layton has told them directly that the NDP is committed to seeing this month’s historic First Ministers Meeting on Aboriginal Issues go ahead as planned.


In a late night conference call last night, Layton reportedly told them that Prime Minister will still be free to attend the First Ministers Meeting, in spite of the fact the NDP plans to introduce a motion on November 24th calling for a February election.


Layton apparently told them the vote itself will only take place on the following Monday or Tuesday, which will enable Martin to be at the historic meeting in Kelowna, BC on the 24th and 25th.


Layton also reportedly committed to the MNC that he will attend the gathering if he is invited by the Prime Minister.


MNC Vice President Audrey Poitras says she is encouraged by Layton’s pledges, adding political posturing can’t be allowed to jeopardize this turning point for the Métis Nation.