Metis Over-harvesting Not Anticipated
Wednesday, September 24, 2003 at 16:08
An official with Saskatchewan Environment says allowing Metis hunters the same rights as those afforded First Nations people shouldn’t cause undue harm to the province’s wildlife.
Assistant deputy of operations Dave Phillips says a similar scenario played itself out in the mid-90s after the Grumbo decision was handed down, and no recognizable impact to breeding stock was registered.
He says some problems manifested themselves, like spotlight hunting and out-of-province members coming into Saskatchewan to do some quick harvesting, but he maintains this decision is quite different since Metis hunting rights will likely be applied everywhere.
Phillips adds the largest amount of visitor-hunting during the late 90s came from Manitobans in the Hudson Bay area.
He admits moose numbers are down significantly in that region, but says it can’t be directly attributed to over-harvesting.