Athabasca Liberal Candidate Emphasizing Jobs
Friday, October 17, 2003 at 14:38
The Liberal party candidate for the Athabasca riding in the next provincial election is making job creation his primary focus.
Former Ile-a-la-Crosse Friendship Centre director Philip Durocher says that is the top issue in Northern Saskatchewan, and he feels a Liberal government in the province could help in that area.
Durocher says the NDP hasn’t delivered on the promise to create 10-thousand jobs in forestry in the North, and feels it’s time to give another party an opportunity to make that happen.
He’s also placing a high emphasis on social issues in this campaign, noting the provincial government has to do more to address the sub-par social conditions in the North.
Durocher also promises that a Liberal provincial government would build on First Nations and Metis rights — not erode them.
Durocher is campaigning against the NDP’s Buckley Belanger and the Saskatchewan Party’s Greg Ross.