Cameco has released the names of organizations who will be receiving financial support from its $1 million COVID-19 relief fund.
Sixty-seven organizations from 40 Saskatchewan communities have been approved for the funding.
Non-profits, charities, town offices and band offices in Saskatoon and communities in central and northern Saskatchewan were eligible to apply for up to $50, 000 to offset financial hardship created by COVID-19 pandemic.
In a press release, Cameco said they received 581 applications for the fund.
In the release, Cameco CEO Tim Gitzel said the number of applications received, shows how many people are struggling due to the unprecedented health crisis.
“There are so many communities and charitable groups hit hard by this pandemic, yet their services are needed now more than ever,” he said.
The Lac La Ronge Indian Band, Black Lake Denesuline First Nation and Clearwater River Dene Nation are some of the First Nations that have been approved for funding.
Cameco has not said when the funds will be given to the approved applicants.
The full list of successful applicants is available on the Cameco website at