Sproat Killer Pleads Guilty To Manslaughter

Tuesday, March 04, 2008 at 15:39



What was supposed to be a month-long murder trial ended before it even started yesterday when the accused pleaded guilty to a less charger of manslaughter.


20-year-old Bailey Bradley Lonechild was charged with the second-degree murder of Justin Sproat, who was 17 years old when he died at a Saskatoon house party in August of 2005.


However, Lonechild opted for the lesser charge, so no trial was necessary.


Lonechild’s lawyer, Bill Roe, says Lonechild is essentially admitting he wrongfully caused Sproat’s death, but there was no intention to kill him.


Lonechild will be sentenced on March 31st.


Roe says he will ask for a prison sentence of between two and five years.