(Photo: Lorraine Bill (daughter of Jacob Bill) with a copy of the book Treaty Elders of Saskatchewan-provided by the Office of the Treaty Commissioner)

Today the Office of the Treaty Commissioner held an event in Saskatoon to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the book Treaty Elders of Saskatchewan: Our Dream Is That Our Peoples Will One Day Be Clearly Recognized as Nations, and to celebrate the 101st birthday of Jacob Bill, the surviving Elder featured in the book. 

The book was published in 2000 and captures the voices and teachings of Elders from the five Treaty territories. The authors Harold Cardinal and Walter Hildebrandt conducted an extensive truth-gathering effort with the aim of gathering oral histories, traditions, and wisdom about the Treaties.

“I have had people tell me, over and over again, how often they go back to the book for information, that their copies are marked up with post-its. Treaty Elders of Saskatchewan has played a very important role in the work of academics, lawyers, policy makers, and politicians.” said Dr. Kathy Walker, Treaty Commissioner of Saskatchewan. 

Jacob Bill, who was 76 when he was interviewed for the book, remains a living testament to the wisdom shared by the Elders. 

“It is individuals like Jacob who help deepen our understanding of Treaty,” said Chief Bobby Cameron during the event. 

“For the past 25 years, the book has been a key resource for people working on Treaty-related issues, as it ensures that the fundamental teachings of the Treaties are preserved,” said Dr. Walker.