APTN to Air News Story on Dillon Homicide

Monday, April 05, 2004 at 13:41



APTN’s National News program will air a feature piece this evening on the recent vigil and rally for the late Joan Campbell of Dillon.


The rally took place in front of the Buffalo Narrows courthourse last week during the preliminary hearing for Larry R. Billette, the man accused in Campbell’s murder last July.


MBC’s Y’utthe Askiy Productions was at the rally.


Production co-ordinator Susan McKenzie says this was a great opportunity for MBC’s TV production arm to offer some footage of the rally to APTN — which is continuing to highlight the issue of violence againt women, particularily in the North.


Billette will stand trial on a charge of second degree murder in Battleford Court of Queen’s Bench.


No date has been set for the trial.


APTN National News is scheduled to air at 5:30 pm CST and again at 10:00 pm CST.