Muscowpetung FN Wins Seatbelt Usage Contest
Friday, November 20, 2009 at 11:58
The Muscowpetung First Nation has won SGI’s 2009 Seatbelt Challenge.
The community-driven project is designed to improve seatbelt use in First Nations communities and rural areas in Saskatchewan.
Muscowpetung competed against six other communities to increase their seatbelt use over a five-month period.
Roadside surveys to measure seatbelt use were done in each community — one in May and one in September.
This information determined which community had the highest gain in seatbelt use.
Muscowpetung increased their seatbelt usage by 132 per cent — more than double its rate last year.
They will receive up to $50,000 for traffic safety improvements in the community.