Buffalo River Has High Hopes For Primrose Payout

Wednesday, December 02, 2009 at 12:08



The Buffalo River Dene Nation is confident it will join the ranks of other northern communities that have received compensation over the loss of traditional lands from the Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range.


Chief Debbie Billette says the community is preparing to continue its legal battle in the new year after meeting with their lawyer last week.


Billette says they are confident, given that the Canoe Lake Cree Nation, Beauval and Ile-a-la-Crosse have received compensation.


“I think it will happen, but who knows the time frame. It can take years, or maybe not even a year,” she says.


For now, the community has a traditional lands committee that is compiling mapping and oral testimony for their lawyer.


Billette says there is a lot of work to do, since the case actually dates back to 1998.