A television show focused on stories from northern Saskatchewan was recently renewed for a second season. “Stories of the North” is played on CityTV in Saskatchewan and tells the story of a Moshom telling his granddaughters stories of northern Saskatchewan while...
FSIN Vice-Chief David Pratt has officially announced his intention to run for leadership of the Assembly of First Nations. Pratt made the announcement at Wanuskewin Heritage Park Tuesday morning. Today, I announced my candidacy for National Chief of the Assembly of...
The renaming of John A. Macdonald Road to a Cree term has moved one step closer to reality. The proposed name change to miyo-wâhkôhtowin was approved unanimously by a City of Saskatoon planning, development, and community services committee on Wednesday. In Cree,...
Researchers from the University of Saskatchewan are hoping community aided research can help combat diabetes. Dr. Sarah Oosman, acting director of the university’s School of Rehabilitation Science, is one of the lead researchers of the project – “Strong...
Newly appointed Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Gary Anandasangaree says a shared history of colonialism will help in his new role. Anandasangaree was in Saskatchewan this week in his first major trip as Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister. One of his stops was to...
A judge in Saskatoon heard several hours of arguments on Wednesday as to why a past claim on behalf of survivors of the Ile a la Crosse boarding school should be stayed. The courtroom was full of survivors and supporters in orange shirts observing the court...
Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Gary Anandasangaree was in Saskatoon Tuesday morning announcing the settlement of several historic claims in Saskatchewan. 14 different First Nations under both Treaty 6 and Treaty 4 across the province have settled their claims...
A provincial judge has allowed parts of an application from the legal team of Dawn Walker to move forward. Walker, allegedly faked her own death and fled to the United States last summer and now faces several charges with an upcoming trial in November. Walker’s...
Canada’s premier celebration of Métis culture and heritage is back as Back to Batoche is underway this weekend. This year’s festival has been given the moniker Year of the Youth with several events planned to get younger Métis people more engaged. Kristi Ross,...
First Nation Leaders are calling for accountability and immediate change – a week after a Prince Albert police officer was charged in relation to the in-custody death of Saul Laliberte. Laliberte died at the Prince Albert Police Service detention area on...