Recent stats from the Saskatoon Police Service and Saskatoon Fire Department show crime is not rising in the Saskatoon neighborhood of Fairhaven despite claims to the contrary. The neighborhood has been the subject of discussion over the past several months after the...
The family of a 10-year-old Indigenous boy is speaking out against what the say is ongoing racism and bullying in a southern Saskatchewan school. The FSIN held a press conference Monday morning, where Vice-Chief David Pratt and the family of the boy spoke on alleged...
A memorial walk for a Metis woman killed in Prince Albert in 2022 is planned for Green Lake this weekend. The second annual Taya Sinclair memorial walk will take place Saturday afternoon. According to members of Sincair’s family, there will also be a beading...
At the third annual Indigenous Business Gathering in Saskatoon this week Premier Scott Moe spoke highly of the positive impact Kitsaki Management is having on the Lac La Ronge Indian Band. The event was hosted by the province and aimed to be a bridge for Indigenous...
Around 100 people took part in a walk in Saskatoon Thursday in support of the Saskatoon Tribal Council’s Emergency Wellness Centre. Originally opened in March of 2023, the centre houses 106 homeless people a night with the tribal council saying they often have...
Lac La Ronge Indian Band Chief Tammy Cook-Searson was the keynote speaker at an Indigenous Business Gathering in Saskatoon this week. Cook-Searson shared the story of the formation of Kitsaki Management and the recent success the band’s economic development arm...
An event in Saskatoon is aiming to create more opportunities for Indigenous businesses. The third annual Indigenous Business Gathering, hosted by the Government of Saskatchewan, set up shop at Prairieland Park on Tuesday. The government says the event aims to bring...
A Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation community is reeling after a fire left its only hockey rink unusable. A fire partially destroyed Southend’s canvas roofing on its hockey rink early Saturday morning. Band Councillor Kevin Morin says it is a big loss for the...
The responsibility to film and document a Batoche festival has turned into much more for Jason McKay. McKay, who was the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan Director of Education at the 2022 Batoche Festival, volunteered to film the event and talk to people about their...
(Photo – Darryl Burns, the brother of Gloria Burns speaks with reporters after the inquest learns Myles Sanderson died of a cocaine overdose. Burns spoke on mixed feelings he had while hearing the evidence. Photo by Joel Willick.) The following is coverage...