New FSIN Chief Hoping to Help Northern Economy

New FSIN Chief Hoping to Help Northern Economy Friday, October 17, 2003 at 14:58     The new chief of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations feels his election win yesterday should pave the way for more opportunties for northern First Nations citizens.  ...

Laliberte Not Worried About Tory-Alliance Merger

Laliberte Not Worried About Tory-Alliance Merger Friday, October 17, 2003 at 14:51       Churchill River MP Rick Laliberte doesn’t think the merger plan between the Canadian Alliance and Progressive Conservative parties will greatly impact his riding.  ...

Cumberland Liberal Nominee Big on Revenue Sharing

Cumberland Liberal Nominee Big on Revenue Sharing Friday, October 17, 2003 at 14:46     The Liberal candidate for the Cumberland constituency says revenue sharing must become more balanced for the benefit of northern residents.   Allan Adam says the context in which...

Athabasca Liberal Candidate Emphasizing Jobs

Athabasca Liberal Candidate Emphasizing Jobs Friday, October 17, 2003 at 14:38     The Liberal party candidate for the Athabasca riding in the next provincial election is making job creation his primary focus.   Former Ile-a-la-Crosse Friendship Centre director Philip...

Alphonse Bird Elected as FSIN Chief

Alphonse Bird Elected as FSIN Chief Thursday, October 16, 2003 at 13:57     There is a new man in charge at the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations.   Former Prince Albert Grand Council chief Alphonse Bird has defeated incumbent Perry Bellegarde at today’s...

Churchill River Alliance Candidate Welcomes Merger

Churchill River Alliance Candidate Welcomes Merger Thursday, October 16, 2003 at 13:46     The Canadian Alliance candidate for Churchill River says today’s news of a merger between the Tories and the Alliance has given him a better chance of unseating incumbent...