by bryanorthner | Aug 2, 2010
Laliberte Criticized for Not Releasing Specifics Wednesday, December 10, 2003 at 13:43 There’s a wide range of opinion about what was accomplished in Rick Laliberte’s nationally televised press conference in Ottawa yesterday. The Churchill River MP...
by bryanorthner | Aug 2, 2010
Former PAGC Official Ponders Run Against Laliberte Wednesday, December 10, 2003 at 13:31 Another name is being mentioned as a possible replacement for Churchill River MP Rick Laliberte. Al Ducharme, a retired school principal and former executive director with...
by bryanorthner | Aug 2, 2010
Beatty Officially Sworn In as MLA Wednesday, December 10, 2003 at 13:20 The first Aboriginal woman to be elected to the provincial legislature was official sworn in this morning. Cumberland MLA Joan Beatty is also the first First Nations citizen to be elected to...
by bryanorthner | Aug 2, 2010
Northern Labour Group Celebrates 20 Years Wednesday, December 10, 2003 at 13:19 The Northern Labour Market Committee is celebrating 20 years of supporting employment and training opportunities in the province’s North. The group is made up of industry...
by bryanorthner | Aug 2, 2010
Laliberte Defends Travel Spending Tuesday, December 09, 2003 at 14:46 Rick Laliberte told reporters in Ottawa the same thing he has being saying for weeks — that his high travel spending is a reflection of representing a large riding with poor travel...
by bryanorthner | Aug 2, 2010
Adam to Challenge Laliberte for Nomination Tuesday, December 09, 2003 at 14:43 The interim leader of the Denesuline National Council has announced he will seek the Liberal nomination in the Churchill River constituency. Allan Adam recently finished a distant...